Facebook Login
Updated over a week ago

Facebook registration/login provides customers with a quick and convenient way to become store members, allowing customers to quickly register/log in to your store with one click.

One-click login with Facebook account is a function developed for Facebook, which can be used only by installing the Facebook Login application App ID and App Secret in the store. We will need to set up the Facebook app first, and then go back to the store background to install it. Since there are many setting steps, please be patient and follow the steps to set it up.

Step 1: Enter Facebook for Developers

  1. Create an application Go to Facebook for Developers (https://developers.facebook.com/), log in with your personal account, and click "My App"> "Create App" to create a Facebook application.

alt allvalue Facebook login
alt all value Facebook login

2.Select the management service integration tool, and click Continue, edit the application information, and click Create Application

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alt all value Facebook login

3.Add products to the application Select Facebook to log in, then click Settings, select the network in the settings interface, and enter the homepage URL of your website, such as https://www.abc123.com. Please note: the URL must be a secure encrypted URL beginning with https://, After entering and confirming, click Save.

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alt all value Facebook login
alt all value Facebook login

Step 2: Set up application authorization

1.Set up application authorization

In the left menu bar, go to "Product"> "Facebook Login"> "Settings" to complete valid OAuth redirect URIs.

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2.Bind the Facebook login application to allValue In the left menu bar, go to "Settings"> "Basic" and copy the application number and application key to the allValue backend

alt all value Facebook login

In the allValue backend, on the left menu bar, go to "Apps"> "My App" and select Facebook, paste the application number you just copied into App ID, and paste the copied application key into App Secret.

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Step 3: Test Facebook login store

After completing steps 1 and 2, enter the store front desk to test whether Facebook login is effective

alt all value Facebook login
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