Order refund
Updated over a week ago

When you refund the order, you will return the payment to the customer. You can refund the entire order or part of the order.

Refund the entire order

You can issue a full refund for all items in your order.


  1. In the allvalue background, go to order.

  2. Click the order you want to refund.

  3. Click refund.

  4. Enter the quantity of goods to be refunded in the order. You can edit this amount manually (this amount cannot be higher than the refund amount).

    alt allvalue order refund
  5. Optional: enter the freight amount to be returned in the transportation field.

    alt allvalue order refund
  6. Optional: enter the reason for refund.

  7. If you want to send an email to the customer when you initiate a refund, please check send notification to the customer.

  8. Click refund to refund the customer's order.

    Partial refund for order

    You can issue a partial refund for a specific item in an order. You can then make other partial payments until you reach the total refundable amount.


  9. In the allvalue background, go to order.

  10. Click the order you want to refund.

  11. In the order details section, click refund.

  12. Enter the number of products you want to refund. Any product whose quantity is set to 0 will not be refunded. You can edit this amount manually (this amount cannot be higher than the refund amount).

  13. Optional: enter the freight amount to be returned in the transportation field.

  14. Optional: enter the reason for refund.

  15. Click refund to issue a refund for the product you selected.

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