Order Management
Updated over a week ago

In order management, in addition to delivery and collection, you can also add notes to the order, view the order time, add labels or follow up customers.

View order

  1. In allvalue background, go to order.

  2. Click the order number to display the details of the order.

    Add labels or notes, or edit orders

    You can update order related information from allvalue's order page.


  3. In the allvalue background, go to order.

  4. Click the order number you want to update. You can make the following changes:

  • Edit customer information

  • Add or remove order notes or labels

  1. Make any necessary changes.

  2. When you are finished, click save or apply changes.

    Note: the billing address, order item or order total cannot be modified. If the customer wants to make changes to their order, you can ship only part of the order or get a partial refund.

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