Data Dashboard
Updated over a week ago

The data Kanban displays the total sales, total views, total orders, customer unit price, online store order conversion rate, top 10 hot products and popular pages. You can see the performance of your store at a glance. For example, in the data profile, you can view and compare data from yesterday, the past 7 days and the past 30 days:

  • Recent sales

  • Recent traffic and orders

  • Track your unit price

  • Monitor trends over time

The data Kanban shows the most valuable indicators that give you insight into store performance and customer behavior. Indicators are shown in chart and numerical formats.


  1. In the allvalue background, click data. By default, the data Kanban displays the data comparison between today and yesterday.

  2. To view the data of other date ranges, click the date menu and select a different date range. The data Kanban displays the following indicators:


contents displayed

Total sales

shows sales by sales channel. Total sales = total sales - discount - refund + freight + tax

Total views

shows the number of visits in the online store.
this number refers to the number of different traffic generated on your store within a specified date range

Total orders

shows the number of orders placed

Customer unit price

shows the average value of all orders. Total order value divided by the total number of orders containing at least one product. Order value includes tax, freight and discount before return.
this data can help you understand the spending trend of customers in your store and help you adjust the pricing strategy

Online store order conversion rate

shows the percentage of traffic contributing to the order. Shoppers need to add products to their online shopping cart and go to the checkout page before they can buy products.
this is often referred to as a conversion funnel, which means that the number of people from the previous step to the next step decreases significantly:
+ added to the shopping cart: the number and percentage of visits that a shopper adds one or more items to the shopping cart
this number is usually less than the total number of shoppers, because some shoppers only view items in the store, but do not add any items to their shopping cart
+ reach checkout: the number and percentage of visits a shopper makes to add one or more items to his shopping cart, check out, and perform actions (such as pressing a key or clicking a mouse)
this number is usually less than the number that has been added to the cart, because some shoppers only add items to their cart, but do not check out or submit their contact information
+ converted traffic: the number and percentage of visits in which the shopper adds one or more items to the shopping cart, goes to checkout, and then purchases the items.
this number may not be consistent with the number of your orders, because the shopper may place multiple orders in one visit
this number is usually less than the number arriving at the checkout step, because some shoppers will leave the checkout page and not buy anything

Top 10 best sellers

shows the top 10 best sellers in the store. For marketing and inventory purposes, it will be useful to know this information. You can also recommend these products to new customers or mention them in social media promotion

Hot page

shows the specific page that the customer initiated a visit to in your store. You can use this data to customize the text and appealing content on these pages, so as to make full use of customers' first impression of your website. The landing page is determined according to the URL of the first page browsed in the unique access. The visit will end 30 minutes after the visitor has no activity and at midnight at UTC

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