Brand domain name
Updated over a week ago

Link brand domain name to AllValue

If a merchant wants to point a domain name purchased through another domain name service provider to the allValue store, it needs to record:

CNAME record Host: www Points to: (copy and paste directly, no need to change)

A record Points to:


  1. In the AllValue backstage, go to "Online Store"> "Domain Name"

  2. Click Connect to an existing domain name.

  3. Enter the domain name you want to connect to, for example

  4. Click Next.

Now you need to set the existing domain name to point to AllValue.

Note: Lowering the time-to-live (TTL) value of the domain name can help you update the domain name faster. For suggestions and instructions on how to change the TTL, please contact the third-party domain name provider.

Set an existing domain name to point to AllValue

If you have purchased a domain name through a third-party provider, you need to edit the following DNS settings:

  • Your A record should point to the IP address of allValue, which is

  • Your CNAME record should point to

Editing these domain settings may affect other content, such as email forwarding. You can contact your domain name provider to find out how any changes may affect your DNS settings.

Note: You can only have one A record associated with the main domain name. If you are editing DNS settings to point the A record to AllValue's IP address, your domain name is already associated with the A record, please delete the old A record.


  1. Log in to your third-party domain name provider account.

  2. Find your DNS settings, domain name management zone, DNS configuration or similar content.

  3. Edit your A record to point to allValue's IP address

  4. Save the A record (click Save, Save Zone File, Add Record or similar option).

  5. Change the CNAME record to point to

  6. Save the CNAME record (click Save, Save Zone File, Add Record or similar option).

Now you need to verify your connection in AllValue.

Verify your connection in AllValue

In the AllValue backend, click Verify connection to confirm that your custom domain name is connected to your store.

Note: It may take up to 24 hours for the custom domain name to point to your AllValue store. If you have trouble setting up a third-party domain name or need help, you can contact your domain name provider.

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