Reset Password
Updated over a week ago

If you forget your login password, or if you want your account to be more secure, you can reset it. If you are the shop owner, you can reset your password and initiate a password reset for employees.

1. Forgot your password

alt AllValue Reset Password
  1. In AllValueLogin Page, click Forgot Password

  2. Enter the login email and click Reset Password, the system will send you an email to reset your password

  3. Click the link to reset the password in the email

  4. Enter your new password in the Confirm Password field

  5. Click Reset Password

  6. Return to the AllValue login page and log in with the new password

2. Change password

alt AllValue Reset Password
  1. In the AllValue backend, click on the username in the upper right corner

  2. Click "Your Account"

  3. Click "Change Password"

  4. The system will send you an email to reset your password

  5. Click the link to reset the password in the email

  6. Enter your new password in the Confirm Password field

  7. Click Reset Password

  8. Return to the AllValue login page and log in with the new password

Each of your passwords should be unique. Do not use the same password for multiple accounts, even if these accounts belong to you.

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