Updated over a week ago

Register online store account in 3 minutes

In just three minutes, you can create an allvalue trial store.

How to create an account

Step 1: access allvalue website

First, go to allvalue website:

Step 2: enter the registration process

On the home page of allvalue, click "apply for free trial" in the upper right corner

alt allvalue register

Step 3: input registration information

Please enter your email, password, store name and store domain name on the following page, and then click "next". +E-mail and password: it is the account and password that you log in to the backstage management page of the store +Store name: you can edit the store name using the sales target market +Store domain name: once submitted, it cannot be modified

alt allvalue register

Step 4: input your basic information

Please enter your name, phone number, country / region, industry and business scale on the following page, and then click "submit information".

alt allvalue register

Step 5: select commodity currency

In allvalue background > Settings > basic settings > commodity currency, select the corresponding currency according to your sales destination country, and then click save

alt allvalue register

Step 6: choose the language of the store

In allvalue background > Settings > store language, you can select the language and background language of the store, including simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, English and Japanese

alt allvalue register

Complete steps 1-3 above to register allvalue. Complete steps 6 above to create the initial store.

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